
Posted in By Jordan 6 comments

Good morning, twelve a.m. Isn't it funny how insomnia strikes at the most inopportune times? I have been on maternity leave for two months now, and the one night I can't sleep is the night before I have to return to work. And my baby's been asleep since nine! So, I've decided to blog. My experience with blogging is limited. My family-in-law has a group blog through which we keep in touch, and I read a few of my friends' blogs frequently. Other than that...nothing. So, we'll see how it goes. I don't have a plan here. I am just going to write, when I want to write, about what I want to write. Before we begin, let me give a little disclaimer: I'm not going to spell check and I'm not going to revise. This is coming straight from the hip...right out of my mind and onto the page...or, rather, into cyberspace, I guess. I won't be gramatically correct, and I'm going to put commas anywhere I damn well want to. Because I don't care if you think I'm smart. All I care about is getting my thoughts out, and I don't want to stop and think about it, okay? If you can't deal with that, then move on...it's your own time your wasting. Oh, and I will definitely overuse the elipsis...sorry, charlie.

Conversation Topic #1: The title of this blog...

I don't really have any talents. I can't sing. I can't draw. I can't dance. I can't juggle. I'm not good at sports. The title of this blog stems from that realization. One day I was having a conversation with a friend...we had been talking for hours and hours, into the wee hours of the morning, in fact. You know the type of conversation I'm talking about...it starts out casual, about the current goings-on of one or the other of your lives, popular culture, gossip, etc..but eventually you get philosophical. It was a "meaning of life" type of conversation. Anyway, sometime toward the end of this discussion, we got to the realization that I am completely and utterly talentless. Of course, my friend, nurturer that she is, tells me that of course I have talents....but then she pauses. So I tell her that, yes, maybe I can cook some pretty mean apple dumplings, and I do have a knack for word games. But that's not what I'm talking about. What I'm saying is, I could never be in a talent show. People don't care about the things I do. I will never have an audience. So, we moved on...we talked some more, about confidence, the effects of praise on children, how to parent children in general, whether the motivation to have children was biological or not...you know, the usual places the topic of talent (or lack thereof) might lead us. And then my friend says, "you can talk. People would listen to you talk about things." So there's my talent...I can talk about things...I can lead discussion time. This blog will be my discussion, one-sided as it may be. Lucky you, reader (if you exist). You can be the audience for my talent show. Let's talk!